Sunday, 17 February 2013

Progress in the front garden

There was enough sun today to get some more work done and the raised bed builder was available!

Available for hire, chainsaw and all!
The first bed was finished off and with another eight half round fencing posts, a new square-shaped bed was constructed. It was finished very quickly. The tapered ends were cut off and used as the supports inside the bed to hold it together. They also went into the ground to prevent it from moving. 

 Holly came out to help with filling the original bed. We used a mixture of home-made compost, bags of peat-free shop bought stuff, bags of topsoil and some spent compost from last year. We'll use up the remainder of the 'organic' pelleted chicken manure that I bought years ago, but won't be buying this again. Instead I'm going to use seaweed and grow green manures (clover, alfalfa) to make the garden completely GMO free and organic. Although the chicken manure says 'organic,' I'm not sure where it came from or what they were fed on, or indeed the welfare standards so have decided not to get it again. A lot of our livestock in the UK are now being fed genetically modified soya.

More front lawn is covered, not sure what the neighbours think! This is good because our lawn is a pain to mow. It's full of moss and neighourhood cats use it as a toilet. I can see more of it will be gone before long!

Next we're going to install an arch to grow runner beans up and the cherry tree is also going to be planted in the front.
Inside the house, seeds are now planted in the propagator and potatoes are chitting on the window sill. It's still a bit cold, but I've planted some radishes under plastic in the back garden, just to get something going out there! I can't wait to see everything growing in the next few months.


  1. The raised bed builder is cool! Enjoying seeing the garden take shape and can't wait to build an even larger raised bed. @morethanorganic

    1. Ooh really. That's good news because we might need one!

  2. I can't wait to see the finished product. This is gonna be amazing.
